
Customizing consumer electronics

I remember when I got my second cellphone some time in 1999, I believe. It was a Nokia 5110. One of its major selling points was the revolutionary concept of different-coloured plastic shells that you could buy for it, to make it look more "you".

Things haven't changed much since then. While you don't generally see products actively marketed as supporting changeable shells or cases, the practice of customizing your equipment is alive and well. It seems the customization practice has moved to third-party suppliers, leaving the manufacturers of the actual devices to concentrate on more important things. As such, the methods also seem to have become less intrusive compared to popping off a piece of casing and snapping in a replacement. Take a look at these "LapJacks", for instance. They're some kind of stretchy vinyl skins with a print on them that you attach to the lid of your laptop. I know what I'll be getting next time I find myself in possession of too much money! (Hint: Christmas present...)

1 kommentti:

Sushi kirjoitti...

My second cellphone was Nokia 5110 as well! At that time I thought it was the best cellphone all over the world. :)