
An awkward attempt to lure in more readers

I've succumbed under the pressure of the de facto lingua franca of our time! I've just switched the introductory passages of my blog from Finnish to English. And now I'm typing up this post to explain myself.

I have this lingering delusion that my sophomoric ramblings about linguistics, Fenno-Ugric languages and related things may interest a global readership. So far I have mostly been writing in Finnish, and if I've been reading my Google Analytics correctly, my blog has seen its fair share of visitors, even though this has sadly not always been reflected in the number of comments posted. But because Ambition is my middle name (not!), I am engaging in this change of approach to attract a larger, international readership!

This does introduce some problems. Because I am lazy and hesitant to break things, I won't at this time change the Blogger interface to English. You lot know which button does what, anyway. Another problem, however, is the tagging system I have grown for myself here. I could of course go back and translate each tag to English, resulting in a hopefully acceptable system, but because I just cannot be arsed to, I will not. I will probably just continue using the Finnish tags, or maybe I could use English tags for the same things for the things that are in English, resulting in a potential heinous tag soup that nobody wants to wade through. But planning ahead is something that I never do anyway, so deal with it.

Besides being a pseudo-intellectual ego booster project, this blog is also a dumping ground for my everyday happenings and tales of woe, which I imagine are of little interest to readers who don't know me personally. That stuff is still going to invariably be in Finnish.

All this said, I will henceforth try to write more often about linguistics in English. For a while. If Google Analytics doesn't show any increase in visits, I may re-evaluate the situation...

6 kommenttia:

Bill Chapman kirjoitti...

Provi verki en Esperanto. Mi certas, ke tiel vi ricevos pli da vizitoj!

Try writing in Esperanto. I'm confident that will bring you more readers!

Ronja kirjoitti...

Sed mi ne parolas Esperanton tre bone :(

Inana kirjoitti...

What's päteminen in English? (The most important thing.) :D

Ronja kirjoitti...

flaunt, brag, boast, show off...? :)

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

I can't help but feel that the translations provided above do not capture the true essence of päteminen. Whereas the English words seem to implicate a momentary action, päteminen can be seen, ultimately, as a lifestyle or a guideline behind one's behaviour.

Ronja kirjoitti...
