

22556 3212
1622 353 55524243
3890 2225625932
5488734572335684843 13
23462899110094689104 1
14513 45745666 1451 1
145 490
785 26
45 16
47 86


Vangitsemista jatketaan

HS: Käräjoikeus jatkoi murhista epäillyn perushoitajan vangitsemista

Lakikieli on kyllä kummallista. Eikös vangitseminen ole semmoinen momentaaninen verbi? 'Panna vankilaan, asettaa vankeuteen, riistää vapaus': se toimenpide, jonka seurauksena henkilöstä tulee vanki?

Uutisesta tulee mielikuva, että vangitseminen on myös kontinuatiivista 'vankina pitämistä'. Vai onko kyseessä jokin pitkä prosessi, jonka lopputuloksena perushoitajasta lopulta tulee vanki, ja tätä prosessia nyt sitten jatketaan?

Joka tapauksessa kummalliselta tuntuu.
– Teidän CV:ssänne on aukko keväästä 2005 syksyyn 2006. Kertokaapa siitä jotain.
– Minua vangittiin.


Customizing consumer electronics

I remember when I got my second cellphone some time in 1999, I believe. It was a Nokia 5110. One of its major selling points was the revolutionary concept of different-coloured plastic shells that you could buy for it, to make it look more "you".

Things haven't changed much since then. While you don't generally see products actively marketed as supporting changeable shells or cases, the practice of customizing your equipment is alive and well. It seems the customization practice has moved to third-party suppliers, leaving the manufacturers of the actual devices to concentrate on more important things. As such, the methods also seem to have become less intrusive compared to popping off a piece of casing and snapping in a replacement. Take a look at these "LapJacks", for instance. They're some kind of stretchy vinyl skins with a print on them that you attach to the lid of your laptop. I know what I'll be getting next time I find myself in possession of too much money! (Hint: Christmas present...)

Still more changes

I made a new header graphic. This one has straigther lines, isn't quite as bright, and is also smaller. Things look more harmonious now. I also removed borders from some elements to reduce cluttering.


Much better now

Of the countless websites I've published in the last 10+ years, this one was the first to have its graphical layout picked out of a catalogue, so that I might concentrate on content better. I believe this was a wise choice.

However, lately I was growing increasingly tired of the way this place looked. So, instead of doing something useful like writing the essay that's due tomorrow, I took the time to redecorate my blog. Enjoy.

Oh, and if it seems I broke something in the process, please let me know in a comment.


Star Trek

< A> Might go see it on thursday
< B> saw a short trailer/teaser thing on TV
and it was basically just more Kirk
acting like a juvenile delinquent
< A> Well, they got that characterisation
right then
< B> I dunno, Kirk always seemed pretty
levelheaded to me
< A> I never got that impression from him at
< A> being all gung ho and womanizing
< B> he was a military guy who liked his
women, but I didn't see him going around
picking fights if he could avoid them
< B> I'm just not sure how a James Dean
character suddenly turns out to be a
starship captain
< A> I do admit my perception maybe skewed
cause most of TOS consisted of Kirk
punching his problems as opposed to TNG
where they technobabbled them away
< B> "oh awesome, here's some dude with issues
riding a motorcycle and picking bar
fights. yo. wanna captain our new top of
the line science/warship?" - starfleet
< A> It was a more barbaric time
< B> "we considered a couple of astronauts,
couple scientists, couple naval officers
... they just weren't cool enough. this
is a cool people ship."


Men and "guilty pleasures"

We men don't have 'guilty' pleasures
Men don't have "guilty pleasures." We own, nay, celebrate what's bad for us. Our obsessions are points of pride, not shame.

We will shamelessly sit in a nest of pizza crusts playing video games for endless hours. Unabashed tears will crawl out of the corners of eyes when the hometown team chokes at the last minute. Beer will be quaffed, their caloric potency mocked. These are the things that make life worth living.
Also: short.

(Emphasis mine.)