
Star Trek

< A> Might go see it on thursday
< B> saw a short trailer/teaser thing on TV
and it was basically just more Kirk
acting like a juvenile delinquent
< A> Well, they got that characterisation
right then
< B> I dunno, Kirk always seemed pretty
levelheaded to me
< A> I never got that impression from him at
< A> being all gung ho and womanizing
< B> he was a military guy who liked his
women, but I didn't see him going around
picking fights if he could avoid them
< B> I'm just not sure how a James Dean
character suddenly turns out to be a
starship captain
< A> I do admit my perception maybe skewed
cause most of TOS consisted of Kirk
punching his problems as opposed to TNG
where they technobabbled them away
< B> "oh awesome, here's some dude with issues
riding a motorcycle and picking bar
fights. yo. wanna captain our new top of
the line science/warship?" - starfleet
< A> It was a more barbaric time
< B> "we considered a couple of astronauts,
couple scientists, couple naval officers
... they just weren't cool enough. this
is a cool people ship."

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